Irina, 34 age ID: 0000177293

I can be different. I am tender with the people I love, I will be a caring and very passionate woman with my future beloved! I am funny and easy going with my friends. I can be pretty strict if it’s necessary.
I can always keep a conversation, listen, give advice if someone needs it.
I believe that love allows us to achieve the impossible!

No matter what nationality you are, what’s your height, weight or hair color. No matter what place in society you occupy and how cool is your car! The only thing I appreciate is your attitude to me, if you’re able to maintain a conversation, and make jokes. More importantly is what you have in your mind. After all, your soul, your ideas about the life and your values is what is always with you in any situation and I need to know this side of you if I’m going to spend my life with you.
We all want to be happy and for everyone happiness is different things. I just hope to meet someone with whom my desires, dreams and plans are similar.

Country: Ukraine
City: Kiev
Birthday: 1989-05-29
Mark of the zodiac: Gemini
Gender: Female
Type of relation: for romantic
Country: Ukraine
City: Kiev
Marital status: Single
Children: None
Height: 5'5' (166cm)
Weight: 115 lbs (52kg)
Hair color: Brown
Eyes color: Green
Ethnicity: White
Religion: Christian
Smoker: Non-Smoker
Drinker: Never drink
Education: University student
Hobby: In my free time I like reading books, watching scientific facts, go for a walk in nature, meet with friends or with my family. I like to do things that make me feel the taste of life, but sometimes I love to relax and watch a movie at home ;)
Seeking for: Male
Seeking height 4'2' (127cm) - 7'0' (213cm)
Seeking weight 80 lbs (36kg) - 300 lbs (136kg)
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